“Graphene”, you said?


Nowadays, it’s all about technology. More than ever. But what is technology without the suitable people behind it to make it function the way it should? Not much, indeed.

To make sure that technology serves society on the long term, in a relevant, meaningful and sustainable way, engineers are in the front row. They are the men and women to be counted on.

Graphene is passionate about engineers. We have known them for many years, we understand each other, we trust each other, and we know all too well that the tricky part is not about a lack of great engineers and great projects: it’s about bringing these two together. Too often still, they miss each other: wrong timing, wrong place, wrong communication… Close, but no cigar.

This is where Graphene enters the field. We believe that we can make a difference. We believe that we can bring technical experts together who could have never imagined that, one day, they would join efforts and knowledge, on such challenging projects. This is what we do. This is what we’re good at.

Out-of-the-box, yet down-to-earth; passionate, yet pragmatic; audacious, yet cautious; flexible, yet structured; empathetic, yet objective: our values reflect the complexity of recruitment in the area of engineering.

It is through this approach and mindset that, eventually, we achieve what matters most: having clients and candidates who know they can trust us, and who are happy to collaborate with us, over and over again.

The result: great people who will find each other and, together, engineer the future.

We think this is pretty amazing. Isn’t it?